Gamburtsev, Grigorii
Gamburtsev, Grigorii Aleksandrovich
Born Mar. 10 (23), 1903, in St. Petersburg; died June 28, 1955, in Moscow. Soviet geophysicist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN SSSR, 1953; corresponding member, 1946).
Gamburtsev graduated from Moscow University in 1926. Beginning in 1938 he worked at the Geophysical Institute of the AN SSSR, becoming its director in 1948. His major works were on seismometry. Gamburtsev developed new designs for seismographs and created a theory for them. He also proposed a new seismic method (the so-called correlation method of refracted waves) for exploration for useful minerals and a seismic method for the deep sounding of the earth’s crust. He conducted research to find methods of predicting earthquakes. Gamburtsev received the State Prize of the USSR in 1941.
Osnovy seismorazvedki, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1959.Izbr. tr. Moscow, 1960.
“Grigorii Aleksandrovich Gamburtsev” (obituary). Izv. AN SSSR: Seriia geofizicheskaia, 1955, no. 4.“G. A. Gamburtsev (1903-1955).” Trudy Geofizicheskogo in-ta AN SSSR, 1956, no. 35 (162).
Riznichenko, Iu. V. “Zhizn’ i deiatel’nost’ G. A. Gamburtseva.” Biul. Soveta po seismologii, 1957, no. 3.