glioblastoma multiforme


 [gli″o-blas-to´mah] any malignant astrocytoma.glioblastoma multifor´me astrocytoma grade III or IV; a rapidly growing tumor, usually of the cerebral hemispheres, composed of spongioblasts, astroblasts, and astrocytes.

gli·o·blas·to·ma mul·ti·forme

(glī'ō-blas-tō'mă mŭl'ti-fōrm), A glioma consisting chiefly of undifferentiated anaplastic cells of astrocytic origin that show marked nuclear pleomorphism, necrosis, and vascular endothelial proliferation; frequently, tumor cells are arranged radially about an irregular focus of necrosis; these neoplasms grow rapidly, invade extensively, and occur most frequently in the cerebrum of adults. [G. glia, glue, + blastos, germ, + -oma, tumor]

gli·o·blas·to·ma mul·ti·for·me

(glī'ō-blas-tō'mă mŭl'ti-fōr'mē) A glioma consisting chiefly of undifferentiated anaplastic cells of glial origin that show marked nuclear pleomorphism, necrosis, and vascular endothelial proliferation; frequently, tumor cells are arranged radially about an irregular focus of necrosis; these neoplasms grow rapidly, invade extensively, and occur most frequently in the cerebrum of adults.
Synonym(s): grade IV astrocytoma.
[G. glia, glue, + blastos, germ, + -oma, tumor]