Acronym | Definition |
GCE➣General Certificate of Education |
GCE➣Green Chemistry and Engineering (various organizations) |
GCE➣Granite City Electric (Quincy, MA) |
GCE➣General Certificate Examination |
GCE➣Ground Combat Element (Marine Air-Ground Task Force; US DoD) |
GCE➣Ground Combat Element |
GCE➣General Consumer Electronics (company that made the Vectrex) |
GCE➣Global Campaign for Education |
GCE➣Grid Computing Environments |
GCE➣Grid Computing Environment |
GCE➣Groupe Caisse d'Epargne (French: Group Savings Fund) |
GCE➣Graduate College of Education (various locations) |
GCE➣Génie Climatique de l'Est (French HVAC East) |
GCE➣Groupement des Créateurs d'Entreprises (French: Business Group Creators) |
GCE➣Génie Civil Européen (French European civil engineering) |
GCE➣Ground Communications Equipment |
GCE➣Goddard Cumulus Ensemble |
GCE➣Government Cost Estimate |
GCE➣Génie du Conditionnement et de l'Emballage (French: packaging engineering) |
GCE➣Glycine Encephalopathy |
GCE➣Generix Collaborative Enterprise (software; France) |
GCE➣Grand Challenge Event (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) |
GCE➣Gymnasium Christian-Ernestinum (German school) |
GCE➣Gold Card Event (American Express) |
GCE➣Gilles Chapalin Électricité (French electric company) |
GCE➣Graduate & Continuing Education |
GCE➣Gross Conceptual Error |
GCE➣Ground Crew Ensemble |
GCE➣General Competitive Equilibrium |
GCE➣Globe Center Europe (Nestlé) |
GCE➣Ground Communications Electronics |
GCE➣Grams of Coal Equivalent (measurement) |
GCE➣Graphite Fiber/Cyanate Ester |
GCE➣Grooming Cascade Edge |
GCE➣Government Computer Exposition |
GCE➣Gestion du Cycle de l'Eau (French: Managing Water Cycle) |
GCE➣Global Citizenship Experience (Chicago, IL) |
GCE➣Geotechmin Consulting and Engineering and Engineering Co. Ltd |
GCE➣Grateful Crane Ensemble (est. 2001; Los Angeles, CA) |
GCE➣Global Capital Equipment Market (Blackwood, NJ) |