French Trotter
French Trotter
a breed of light draft horses developed in Normandy, France, by crossing local horses first with Arabians and in the 19th century with English Thoroughbred and Norfolk stallions. The horses were interbred in order to produce a work and troop horse.
French Trotters are large (height at the withers, more than 160 cm), massive, strong, and hardy. However, they mature late with respect to speed. The horses are usually bay, black, or chestnut. They are used for harness racing. French Trotters are also raised in Italy, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Sweden. They were imported to the USSR to cross with Russian Trotters.
Vitt, V. O. “O frantsuzskikh rysakakh.” Konevodstvo i konnyi sport, 1961, nos. 7–11.Konnozavodstvo i konnyi sport. Edited by Iu. N. Barmintsev. Moscow, 1972.