Gigli saw

Gig·li saw

(jē'ylyē), a hand-held wire saw for use in craniotomy.

Gig·li saw

(jē'lyē saw) A hand-held wire saw for use in craniotomy.

Gigli saw

(jēl′yē) [Leonardo Gigli, Italian gynecologist, 1863–1908] A flexible wire saw with specialized teeth used for cutting bony structures. It is operated manually by pulling its handles back and forth. It was first used to section the symphysis pubis as a way of making difficult deliveries easier.


Leonardo, Italian gynecologist, 1863-1908. Gigli operation - severance of the pubic bone a few centimeters lateral to the symphysis to permit the passage of a living child. Synonym(s): pubiotomyGigli pubiotomyGigli saw - a hand-held wire saw for use in craniotomy or pubiotomy.Gigli-saw bladeGigli-saw conductorGigli-saw guideGigli-saw handleGigli-saw wire