释义 |
ge·nis·te·in G5088600 (jə-nĭs′tē-ĭn, -tēn′)n. A phytoestrogen of the isoflavone class, C15H10O5, that is found in soybeans and soy products and is used as a dietary supplement. [From Genista (tinctoria), species name of dyer's greenweed (from which the compound was first isolated) + -ein.]genistein (ˈdʒɛnɪˌstiːn) nan oestrogen that occurs naturally in soya beans and is believed to inhibit the growth of certain tumoursgenistein
genistein (jə-nĭs′tē-ĭn, -tēn′)n. A phytoestrogen of the isoflavone class that is found in soybeans and certain other plants.genistein (jĕ-nĭs′tēn, tē-ĭn) A soy isoflavone that has been found to inhibit the activity of enzymes involved in the control of cell proliferation. It is a phytoestrogen with weak estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. |