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Genital cord
(Anat.) | a cord developed in the fetus by the union of portions of the Wolffian and Müllerian ducts and giving rise to parts of the urogenital passages in both sexes. |
See also: Genital genital cord
genital cord[′jen·ət·əl ′kȯrd] (embryology) A mesenchymal shelf bridging the coeloms in mammalian embryos, produced by fusion of the caudal part of the urogenital folds; fuses with the urinary bladder in the male, and is the primordium of the broad ligament and the uterine walls in the female. (invertebrate zoology) Strands of cells located in the genital canal which are primordial sex cells in crinoids. Also known as genital rachis. genital cord
go·nad·al ridgean elevation of thickened mesothelium and underlying mesenchyme on the ventromedial border of the embryonic mesonephros; the primordial germ cells become embedded in it, establishing it as the primordium of the testis or ovary. Synonym(s): genital cord, genital ridgegen·i·tal cord (jen'i-tăl kōrd) One of a pair of mesenchymal ridges bulging into the caudal part of the celom of a young embryo and containing the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts. FinancialSeeCordThesaurusSeecord |