frenulum of lower lip

fren·u·lum of low·er lip

, frenulum of upper lip [TA] the folds of mucous membrane extending from the gingiva to the midline of the lower and upper lips, respectively. Synonym(s): frenulum labii inferioris, frenulum labii superioris [TA]

fren·u·lum of low·er lip

(fren'yū-lŭm lō'ĕr lip) [TA] The folds of mucous membrane extending from the gingiva to the midline of the lower lip.
Synonym(s): frenulum labii inferioris [TA] .

fren·u·lum of low·er lip

, frenulum of upper lip (fren'yū-lŭm lō'ĕr lip, ŭpĕr) [TA] Folds of mucous membrane extending from gingiva to midline of lower and upper lips.