Goetze, Albrecht
Goetze, Albrecht
Born Jan. 11, 1897, in Leipzig. Scholar of the Hittites and Assyrians.
Goetze was a professor at Philipps University in Marburg from 1930 to 1933. He left Germany to escape Nazi persecution, going first to Norway in 1933 and later to the USA. (He became a professor at Yale University in 1934.) He published Hittite historical documents of the New Kingdom period, as well as Hittite and Akkadian legal and religious texts. Goetze’s monograph Asia Minor is one of the basic works on Hittite culture. As one of the first Hittite scholars, he carried out research on the role of the Hurrians in the history of the Hittite kingdom in the middle of the second millennium B.C. Goetze also studied the Urarti.
Das Hethiter-Reich, 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1929.Die Annalen des Mursilis. Leipzig, 1933.
Kleinasien, 2nd ed. Munich, 1957. (Bibliography.)
Hethiter, Churriter undAssyrer. Oslo-Leipzig, 1936. (Bibliography.)
The Laws of Eshnunna. New Haven, 1956.