Goggia sign

Gog·gi·a sign

(gō'jah), the fibrillation of the biceps muscle, when pinched and tapped, is confined to a limited area in cases of debilitating disease, whereas in health it is general.

Goggia sign

An obsolete term that formerly dignified generalised fasciculation of the biceps brachii, a normal response to stimuli in healthy individuals, which becomes localised or lost in patients with debilitating diseases.

Gog·gi·a sign

(gōj'ē-ă sīn) The fibrillation of the biceps muscle, when pinched and tapped, is confined to a limited area in cases of debilitating disease, whereas in health it is general.


Carlo P., Italian physician, 1871-1948. Goggia sign - fibrillation of the biceps muscle, when pinched and tapped, is confined to a limited area in cases of debilitating disease, whereas in health it is general.