Gorodovye Prikazchiki

Gorodovye Prikazchiki


in 16th-century Russia, town and district officials elected from among the service class of the district. They were subordinate to the namestniki (higher local administrators). They managed the affairs of the service dvorianstvo (nobility or gentry), construction and repair of the town’s fortifications, ammunition stores, tax collection, administration of duty paid in kind, and so on. In wartime they served as municipal military commanders, preparing the defense of the city. The introduction of gorodovye prikazchiki strengthened the power of the grand prince on the local level and the power of the class on which his power was based, the dvorianstvo. After the appearance of the institution of voevody (military governors), in cities, the gorodovye prikazchiki became their assistants and were appointed by the voevody from among the local dvorianstvo.


Nosov, N. E. Ocherki po istorii mestnogo upravleniia Russkogo gosudarstva pervoi poloviny XVI v. Moscow-Leningrad, 1957.
Kashtanov, S. M. “K probleme mestnogo upravleniia v Rossii pervoi poloviny XVI v.” Istoriia SSSR, 1959, no. 6.