acute retinal necrosis

acute retinal necrosis (ARN),

a viral syndrome occurring in immunocompetent patients, characterized by peripheral retinal destruction that becomes circumferential and leads to retinal detachment.

Acute Retinal Necrosis

An uncommon (2%–5%) condition characterised by herpes virus-induced anterior and posterior uveitis, papillitis with retinal detachment 1 to 3 months after onset, of which half are bilateral.
Aetiology ARN is linked to dormant herpes simplex virus 1, HSV-2, or varicella-herpes zoster virus reactivation in the retina.
Clinical findings Red eye, periorbital pain, hazy vision, history of prior herpes infection, episcleritis, keratic precipitation, occlusive retinal vasculitis.

a·cute ret·i·nal ne·cro·sis

(ARN) (ă-kyūt' ret'i-năl nĕ-krō'sis) A viral syndrome occurring in immunocompetent patients, characterized by peripheral retinal destruction that becomes circumferential and often leads to retinal detachment

retinal necrosis, acute 

A necrotizing retinitis caused by the varicella-zoster virus or herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, which may infect healthy individuals of any age. The patient usually presents with ocular discomfort, reduced visual acuity and floaters. The signs are those of anterior granulomatous uveitis. There are typically many areas of retinitis, which eventually coalesce ending in full thickness retinal necrosis. Treatment is with antiviral agents, followed by systemic steroids.