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DictionarySeemeasurefunctional independence measure
measure [mezh´er] 1. to determine the extent or quantity of a substance.2. a specific extent or quantity of a substance.3. a graduated scale by which the dimensions or mass of an object or substance may be determined. See Tables of Weights and Measures in Appendix.4. a procedure or intervention.assistive measure a intervention" >nursing intervention in the nursing minimum data set, in which the nurse facilitates activities of daily living" >activities of daily living (such as hygiene, exercise, rest, or grooming), provides physical comfort, and maintains a therapeutic environment.m's of central tendency statistical procedures for determining the center of a distribution of scores; they include the mode, the mean, and the median.m's of dispersion statistical procedures for examining how scores vary or are dispersed around the mean. These include the range, the difference scores, the sum of squares, the variance, and the deviation" >standard deviation.Functional Independence measure FIM; a standardized assessment instrument of functional status that is part of the Uniform Data Set for Medical Rehabilitation; it tests 23 items in seven areas of function and uses a seven-point scale for each item. It can be used clinically as an outcome measure, and a data pool is being established that will be large enough for prediction and comparison of functional outcomes. A pediatric version called the Wee-FIM is also available.supportive measure a intervention" >nursing intervention in the nursing minimum data set, defined as action through which the nurse provides support of life functions and needed sustenance such as oxygen, nutrition, or fluids.func·tion·al in·de·pen·dence mea·sure (FIM) (fŭngk'shŭn-ăl in'dĕ-pend'ĕns mezh'ŭr) An instrument used to measure the extent of disability based on the responses to 18 items covering self-care, sphincter control, mobility, locomotion, communication, and social cognition. Functional Independence Measure, FIMA clinical tool used to assess the ability of persons needing rehabilitative services to cope independently and perform activities of daily living. These activities include self-care, sphincter control, mobility, locomotion, communication, and social cognition. Data derived from FIM correlate with some outcome measures in rehabilitation, such as the length of time a patient may need to stay in care or the resources the patient will use. The version of FIM for children is called WeeFIM. See: WeeFIMLegalSeeMeasureAcronymsSeeFIM |