

单词 genius



exceptional natural ability; a person of extraordinarily high intelligence; gift, talent, aptitude, faculty
Not to be confused with:genus – a kind; sort; class or group of individuals or of species of individuals


G0085700 (jēn′yəs)n. pl. gen·ius·es 1. a. Extraordinary intellectual and creative power: artistic works of genius.b. A person of extraordinary intellect and talent.c. A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above 140.2. a. A strong natural talent, aptitude, or inclination: has a genius for choosing the right words.b. One who has such a talent or inclination: a genius at diplomacy.3. The prevailing spirit or distinctive character, as of a place, a person, or an era: the genius of Elizabethan England.4. pl. ge·ni·i (jē′nē-ī′) Roman Mythology A tutelary deity or guardian spirit of a person or place.
[Middle English, guardian spirit, from Latin; see genə- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈdʒiːnɪəs; -njəs) n, pl -uses or (for senses 5, 6)genii (ˈdʒiːnɪˌaɪ) 1. a person with exceptional ability, esp of a highly original kind2. such ability or capacity: Mozart's musical genius. 3. the distinctive spirit or creative nature of a nation, era, language, etc4. a person considered as exerting great influence of a certain sort: an evil genius. 5. (Classical Myth & Legend) Roman myth a. the guiding spirit who attends a person from birth to deathb. the guardian spirit of a place, group of people, or institution6. (Non-European Myth & Legend) Arabian myth (usually plural) a demon; jinnadjclever and original[C16: from Latin, from gignere to beget]


(ˈdʒin yəs)

n., pl. gen•ius•es for 2,3,8, gen•i•i (ˈdʒi niˌaɪ)
for 6,7,9. 1. an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, esp. as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc.: the genius of Mozart. 2. a person having such capacity. 3. natural ability; talent: a genius for leadership. 4. distinctive character or spirit, as of a nation, period, or language. 5. the guardian spirit of a place, person, institution, etc. 6. a person who strongly influences for good or ill the character, conduct, or destiny of a person, place, or thing: an evil genius. 7. jinn. [1350–1400; < Latin: tutelary deity or genius of a person; compare genus]
Noun1.genius - someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originalitygenius - someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality; "Mozart was a child genius"; "he's smart but he's no Einstein"brainiac, Einstein, mastermind, brainintellectual, intellect - a person who uses the mind creativelyprodigy - an unusually gifted or intelligent (young) person; someone whose talents excite wonder and admiration; "she is a chess prodigy"
2.genius - unusual mental abilitybrillianceintelligence - the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experiencecoruscation - a sudden or striking display of brilliance; "coruscations of great wit"pyrotechnics - (music) brilliance of display (as in the performance of music)scintillation - a brilliant display of wit
3.genius - someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any fieldgenius - someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any fieldhotshot, maven, mavin, superstar, virtuoso, whiz, whizz, wiz, wizard, adept, sensation, star, ace, championexpert - a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfullytrack star - a star runner
4.genius - exceptional creative abilitywizardrycreative thinking, creativeness, creativity - the ability to create
5.genius - a natural talent; "he has a flair for mathematics"; "he has a genius for interior decorating"flairendowment, natural endowment, talent, gift - natural abilities or qualities


noun1. brilliance, ability, talent, capacity, gift, bent, faculty, excellence, endowment, flair, inclination, knack, propensity, aptitude, cleverness, creative power, GEnys (S.M.S.) This is the mark of her genius as a designer.2. master, expert, mastermind, brain (informal), buff (informal), intellect (informal), adept, maestro, virtuoso, boffin (Brit. informal), whiz (informal), hotshot (informal), rocket scientist (informal, chiefly U.S.), wonk (informal), brainbox, maven (U.S.), master-hand, fundi (S. African), GEnys (S.M.S.) a 14-year-old mathematical genius
master fool, idiot, dunce, imbecile, simpleton, dolt, half-wit, nincompoopQuotations
"Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration" [Thomas Alva Edison Life]
"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him" [Jonathan Swift Thoughts on Various Subjects]
"The true genius is a mind of large general powers, accidentally determined to some particular direction" [Dr. Johnson Lives of the English Poets]
"Genius is...the child of imitation" [Joshua Reynolds Discourses on Art]
"If I have seen further [than other men] it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants" [Isaac Newton letter to Robert Hooke]
"Genius must be born, and never can be taught" [John Dryden To Mr. Congreve]
"In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts" [Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-Reliance]
"Genius does what it must,"
"And Talent does what it can" [Owen Meredith Last Words of a Sensitive Second-rate Poet]
"It takes a lot of time to be a genius, you have to sit around so much doing nothing, really doing nothing" [Gertrude Stein Everybody's Autobiography]
"Genius is only a greater aptitude for patience" [Comte de Buffon]


noun1. Liveliness and vivacity of imagination:brilliance, brilliancy, fire, inspiration.2. An innate capability:aptitude, aptness, bent, faculty, flair, gift, head, instinct, knack, talent, turn.


(ˈdʒiːnjəs) plural ˈgeniuses noun a person who is very clever. The new professor of mathematics has been described as a genius. 天才 天才




a budding genius

A young person who exhibits signs of great intelligence. This kid's a budding genius—have you seen the complex equations he can solve?See also: budding, genius

stroke of genius

A particularly inspired, clever, or innovative act, idea, or decision. Their decision to let customers from any other operating system migrate their information was a stroke of genius. I must say, it was a stroke of genius getting the kids all those puzzles—they've been playing quietly for hours!See also: genius, of, stroke

Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.

What appears as exceptional intellectual and/or creative capacity is actually the ability to continually exert great effort and attention to detail. Maybe these designers are born with some innate brilliance, but their designs are the result of a laser focus on getting all the details right. Ultimately, genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.See also: capacity, genius, infinite, taking

Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.

Genius or things considered to have the quality of genius derive from brilliant ideas or intellect but moreso through hard work. All these successful entrepreneurs had great ideas, sure, but they worked extremely hard to realize them. Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.See also: 10, 90, and, genius, inspiration, percent

budding genius

a very bright and promising young person. Harry is a budding genius, but he seems like a fairly normal teenager.See also: budding, genius

Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.

Prov. Genius is the quality of being exceedingly careful about everything you do. If genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains, Marilyn certainly has it. She never overlooks a single detail that needs attention.See also: capacity, genius, infinite, pain, taking

Genius is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration.

Prov. People get brilliant results primarily by working hard, not because they have special inborn powers. Child: Betty always does the best drawings in art class. She must be a genius. Father: If you worked hard, you could do just as well. Remember, genius is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration.See also: and, genius, inspiration, ninety, percent, perspiration, ten

stroke of genius

an act of genius; a very clever and innovative idea or task. Your idea of painting the rock wall red was a stroke of genius.See also: genius, of, stroke

stroke of genius

an outstandingly brilliant and original idea.See also: genius, of, stroke

stroke of genius, a

A brilliant idea. This cliché, in which stroke betokens the sudden appearance of the idea, dates from the second half of the 1800s and at first was always used admiringly. Thus the Tacoma News of December 13, 1889, stated, “The latest nickel-in-the slot scheme is really a stroke of genius and is destined to revolutionize cheap literature in this country.” Later, however, the term was often used sarcastically, as in “You forgot the tickets? That was a stroke of genius.”See also: of, stroke



in Roman religion, guardian spirit of a man, a family, or a state. In some instances, a place, a city, or an institution had its genius. As the guardian spirit of an individual, the genius (corresponding to the Greek demon) was largely the force of one's natural desires. The genius of the paterfamilias was honored in familial worship as a household god and was thought to perpetuate a family through many generations. Notable achievements or high intellectual powers of an individual were attributed to his genius, and ultimately a man of achievements was said to have genius or to be a genius.



the highest level of manifestation of man’s creative forces. The term “genius” is used both to indicate a man’s creative ability and to evaluate the results of his activities. Assuming an innate capability to productive endeavors in some field, genius, as opposed to talent, not only represents the highest degree of giftedness but also is connected with the creation of qualitatively new works and with the discovery of previously unknown creative methods. The activities of genius are achieved in a definite historical context of life in human society, on which genius draws for its creativity.

In the psychology of creativity, genius is studied as a function of individual personal characteristics, such as psychological make-up and abilities, and of various factors affecting creativity. From the psychological point of view, genius cannot be considered a particular personality type. Various attempts to isolate a particular general psychological or psychopathological feature of genius have been unsatisfactory: geniuses exhibit significant individual differences in giftedness, character, culture, interests, habits, and so on. The creative process in geniuses does not differ in principle from the creative process in other gifted persons. A number of concepts of genius, beginning with that of C. Lombroso, postulated a connection between genius and psychological imbalance. This theory did not receive general acceptance because, while disharmony in spiritual life or a proclivity to disharmony is found in many persons of genius, it is not invariably the companion of genius.

Historical concepts of the nature of genius and its evaluation are related to a general understanding of the creative process. The ancients (Plato and, later, Neoplatonists) viewed genius as a type of irrational, “divine inspiration.” With the Renaissance (Leonardo da Vinci, G. Vasari, J. Scaliger) came the cult of genius as creative individuality, which reached its apogee in the romantic period, as exemplified by the preromantic Sturm und Drang in Germany, romanticism, and the theories, evolved from romanticism and characterized by the opposition of genius and the masses, of T. Carlyle and F. Neitzsche. The concept of genius in the contemporary meaning of the word developed in the 18th century. It became a fundamental aesthetic concept in A. Shaftesbury’s system: genius creates in a like manner to the forces of nature; its creations are original, in contrast to imitative artists. I. Kant also emphasized the originality and naturalness of creative genius: genius is the “natural endowment of the soul …, through which nature gives order to art” (Soch., vol. 5, Moscow, 1966, p. 323). F. Schiller described the nature of genius through the concept of naïveté as the instinctive following of artless nature and the ability to grasp the world spontaneously.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, psychological (including psychiatric), sociopsychological, and sociological investigations have been made into various aspects of genius and creativity.


Gruzenberg, S. O. Genii i tvorchestvo. Leningrad, 1924.
Zholi, G. Psikhologiia velikikh liudei. St. Petersburg, 1894.
Ostwald, W. Velikie liudi. St. Petersburg, 1910. (Translated from German.)
Wolf, H. Versuch einer Geschichte des Geniebegriffes. Heidelberg, 1923.
Genetic Studies of Genius, 2nd ed., vols. 1-4. Edited by L. M. Terman. [Stanford, Calif.] 1926-47.
Kretschmer, E. Geniale Menschen, 5th ed. Berlin, 1958.


See also Wisdom.Aquinas, St. Thomas(1225–1274) preeminent mind of medieval church. [Eur. Hist.: Bishop, 273–274]Aristotle(384–322 B. C.) famous Greek philosopher of a priori reasoning. [Gk. Hist.: NCE, 147]Aronnax, Prof.scholarly mental giant; Capt. Nemo’s captive guest. [Fr. Lit.: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea]Jean-Christophemusical prodigy who, in an adventurous life, becomes a world-famous musician. [Fr. Lit.: Romain Rolland Jean-Christophe; Magill I, 439]Leverkühn, Adriana composer who imagines he has made a pact with the devil, and achieves greatness. [Ger. Lit.: Thomas Mann Doctor Faustus]Nemo, Captainepitome of the genius in science fiction; inventor and creator of fabulous submarine, Nautilus. [Fr. Lit.: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea]


1. Roman mytha. the guiding spirit who attends a person from birth to death b. the guardian spirit of a place, group of people, or institution 2. Arabic myth a demon; jinn



(jēn'yŭs, jēn'ē-ŭs), 1. Markedly superior intellectual or artistic abilities or exceptional creative power. 2. A person so endowed. 3. In psychology, someone who ranks in the top 1% of all people on a test of intelligence. [L.]


Psychology adjective Referring to a marked superiority in intellectual prowess noun A highly intelligent person, whose IQ is > 140 and/or in the top 1% of those subjected to IQ testing


(jēn′yŭs) 1. The distinctive or inherent character of a disease.2. An individual with exceptional physical, mental, or creative power.

Patient discussion about genius

Q. husband has horrible rash bil. below knees to his ankles. it is bright red yellow weeping cracks. On statins He has been on zocor for 15 years and we are so afraid this may have something to do with this drug. He has stopped taking the drug because the pain and weakness, and numbness in his legs is considerable A. i looked up for side effects and i saw only "eczema" as a skin side effect. but it seems odd to me that after 15 years you got this kind of side effect. it should have appeared years ago. you know- it might be a very good idea to go and see a Dr... and not stopping a medication without warning..

Q. Is bipolar is like swiping moods that come and go? one time you are happy things are bright and clear and suddenly you are all complicated with your self and with your surrounding and you are moody and depressed ? is sudden change of mind is the correct definition to a Bipolar Disorder or i did get it all wrong ? A. good question! most people don't know that Bipolar disorder is not just mood swings that come and go every now and then (if it was - my wife should be diagnosed as bipolar:)) ). it is consisted of long episodes of mania or depression. an episode can be a month or even 6.

Q. I have bipolar disorder and an IQ of about 140. Can this be a cause? I followed recently a link in this site and saw, that some people talking about other ones with bipolar disorder seem to be more intelligent than the average. It was for me the first time, that I read something like that about bipolar disorder. I know only since 3 years this diagnose of mine, but I had already 13 years before my "out-of-control"-crisis. Perhaps you will share with your topic-manager about your IQ or about your job that we can see, if there is possible a correlation.A. I am now here in this community since 8 days. In one week I will be on the top of the list of the iMedix-contributors. This is perhaps how you can find the genius of someone. Then in a month I will be very alone on this list. And this is the way I live. I am often too fast for you and other persons and so, at the end, you are again alone. This can cause depression. Genius are a small community. I do not pretend to be one, I just want to show you which tendencies exist. Share your experience that we can learn together.

More discussions about genius


GENIUSGlobal Expertise Network for Industry Universities and Scholars (Australia)
GENIUSGenericity Interpretation and Uses (Conference)
GENIUSGender Equality National Index for Universities Schools Survey (Gender Public Advocacy Coalition)


Related to genius: Genius Bar
  • noun

Synonyms for genius

noun brilliance


  • brilliance
  • ability
  • talent
  • capacity
  • gift
  • bent
  • faculty
  • excellence
  • endowment
  • flair
  • inclination
  • knack
  • propensity
  • aptitude
  • cleverness
  • creative power
  • GEnys

noun master


  • master
  • expert
  • mastermind
  • brain
  • buff
  • intellect
  • adept
  • maestro
  • virtuoso
  • boffin
  • whiz
  • hotshot
  • rocket scientist
  • wonk
  • brainbox
  • maven
  • master-hand
  • fundi
  • GEnys


  • fool
  • idiot
  • dunce
  • imbecile
  • simpleton
  • dolt
  • half-wit
  • nincompoop

Synonyms for genius

noun liveliness and vivacity of imagination


  • brilliance
  • brilliancy
  • fire
  • inspiration

noun an innate capability


  • aptitude
  • aptness
  • bent
  • faculty
  • flair
  • gift
  • head
  • instinct
  • knack
  • talent
  • turn

Synonyms for genius

noun someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality


  • brainiac
  • Einstein
  • mastermind
  • brain

Related Words

  • intellectual
  • intellect
  • prodigy

noun unusual mental ability


  • brilliance

Related Words

  • intelligence
  • coruscation
  • pyrotechnics
  • scintillation

noun someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field


  • hotshot
  • maven
  • mavin
  • superstar
  • virtuoso
  • whiz
  • whizz
  • wiz
  • wizard
  • adept
  • sensation
  • star
  • ace
  • champion

Related Words

  • expert
  • track star

noun exceptional creative ability


  • wizardry

Related Words

  • creative thinking
  • creativeness
  • creativity

noun a natural talent


  • flair

Related Words

  • endowment
  • natural endowment
  • talent
  • gift




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