acute urethral syndrome

acute urethral syndrome

A condition characterised by dysuria with sterile urine.
Trauma, allergies, and anatomic defects—e.g., diverticula and post-surgical scarring; patients may have mild E coli, Staphylococcal saprophyticus and/or Chlamydia trachomatis infection.

acute urethral syndrome

Urology A condition characterized by dysuria with 'sterile urine'–many Pts have mild E coli, Staphylococcal saprophyticus, Chlamydia trachomatis infection Management Antibiotics

acute urethral syndrome

Syndrome experienced by women, marked by acute dysuria, urinary frequency, and lack of significant bacteriuria; pyuria may or may not be present. The cause is unknown, but it is important to determine whether a specific bacterial infection of the bladder or vagina is present to ensure that appropriate drugs are given as needed. The syndrome is referred to colloquially as “honeymoon cystitis” because it may occur during periods of increased sexual activity.

Patient care

A history of the illness, including events that increase or decrease symptoms, is obtained. The degree and nature of the patient's pain, its location and possible radiation, and its frequency and duration are ascertained. The patient is instructed in the procedure for collecting a clean-catch, midstream urine specimen and is prepared for vaginal examination. If a bladder or vaginal bacterial, fungal, or protozoal infection is diagnosed, prescribed treatment measures are explained and demonstrated.