

单词 gonorrheal conjunctivitis
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Gonorrheal Conjunctivitis

Gonorrheal Conjunctivitis


an acute purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva) of the eyes caused by gonococci. There are two forms of gonorrheal conjunctivitis, one occurring in newborn infants and the other in adults.

Most infections of gonorrheal conjunctivitis in newborn infants occur when the head of the fetus passes through the birth canal of a mother infected with gonorrhea. The disease appears after the second or third day of the infant’s life and is initially characterized by severe swelling of both eyelids; in another two or three days, there is abundant discharge of pus. In severe cases the cornea may become infected and an ulcer forms, which heals as a scar and leaves a cataract. In some cases the disease leads to blindness. Sometimes a similar disease occurs in newborn infants, caused by a virus. In contrast to gonorrheal conjunctivitis, this disease does not develop earlier than the fifth day of life, and its course is lower and less severe; the cornea is never involved.

Gonorrheal conjunctivitis in adults occurs when the gonococci are carried into the eye from the urogenital tract by the hands or by objects handled by the gonorrhea patient. The course of the disease in adults is much more severe than in newborn infants; only one eye is usually affected. Its treatment involves frequent irrigations of the eyes with weak solutions of potassium permanganate and the use of antibiotics.

Prophylaxis involves combating gonorrhea of the urogenital tract. Immediately after birth, newborn infants receive one drop of a 2 percent solution of silver nitrate or penicillin under the lid of each eye. Observance of the rules of personal hygiene helps prevent the disease in adults. When the process is unilateral, it is extremely important to prevent infection of the second eye; hence, a hermetically sealed bandage with a watch glass is placed over the healthy eye.


Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po glaznym bolezniam, vol. 2, book 1. Moscow, 1960. Page 66.


gonorrheal conjunctivitis


 [kon-junk″tĭ-vi´tis] inflammation of the conjunctiva" >conjunctiva; it may be caused by bacteria or a virus, or by allergic, chemical, or physical factors. Its infectious form (of bacterial or viral origin) is highly contagious. See also pinkeye" >pinkeye.acute contagious conjunctivitis a contagious inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by Haemophilus aegypticus; secretions must be handled with extreme care to prevent its spread. Popularly known as pinkeye.acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis a highly contagious form due to infection with enteroviruses.gonococcal conjunctivitis (gonorrheal conjunctivitis) a severe form caused by infection with gonococci, marked by greatly swollen conjunctivae and eyelids with a profuse purulent discharge. In newborns it is bilateral, acquired from an infected maternal vaginal passage. In adults it is usually unilateral and is acquired by autoinoculation into the eye of other gonococcal infections, such as urethritis" >urethritis, either in oneself or in another person. Called also gonorrheal ophthalmia.inclusion conjunctivitis a type of conjunctivitis primarily affecting newborn infants, caused by a strain of Chlamydia trachomatis, beginning as an acute purulent form and leading to papillary hypertrophy of the palpebral conjunctiva.neonatal conjunctivitis ophthalmia neonatorum.

gon·or·rhe·al oph·thal·mi·a

acute purulent conjunctivitis excited by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Synonym(s): blennophthalmia (2) , gonorrheal conjunctivitis


(kon-junk?ti-vit'is ) [ conjunctiva + -itis] Inflammation of the conjunctiva. Treatment is directed against the specific cause.

Patient care

Viral, gonococcal, and chlamydial conjunctivitis are highly contagious diseases spread by person-to-person contact. When an infection is present, the patient experiences itching, tearing, burning, pain and a mucopurulent discharge, along with the feeling of a foreign body in the eye. The conjunctiva becomes hyperemic, thus the common name of “pinkeye.” To limit spread of the disease, patients with infectious conjunctivitis should avoid touching their eyes and should wash their hands thoroughly before and after any eye contact or treatment. If eye drops are prescribed, the patient is taught how to avoid contaminating the medication dispenser. To do this, without having the dropper tip touch the patient's eye, the patient's head should be placed backward with the eyes looking upward, and the drop or drops as prescribed placed into a pouch created by pulling downward on the lashes and tissues of the bottom eyelid. If an ophthalmic ointment is prescribed, the patient is taught to apply it to the inner aspect of the bottom eyelid in a thin ribbon, from the inner to the outer canthus. If the eye is difficult to open because of sticky discharge, the patient should rinse it with sterile saline or other ophthalmic solution or apply a moist compress to the eyelids. Hand hygiene helps prevent spread of infection from one eye to the other and transfer of the infection from the affected patient to others in the household.


Gonococcal and chlamydial conjunctivitis are sexually transmitted diseases. All sexual partners of affected patients should be identified and treated.

actinic conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis resulting from exposure to ultraviolet (actinic) radiation.

acute contagious conjunctivitis

Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis.

acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

A contagious viral eye infection marked by rapid onset of pain. It causes swollen eyelids, hyperemia of the conjunctiva, and later subconjunctival hemorrhage. The disease, which is self-limited and for which there is no specific therapy, usually affects both eyes. Several viral agents can cause this disease, including enterovirus 70, echovirus 7, and a variant of coxsackievirus A24.

angular conjunctivitis of Morax-Axenfeld

An infection of the lateral canthus of the eyelid. The infection is often caused by the Moraxella species.

catarrhal conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis due to causes such as foreign bodies, bacteria, or irritation from heat, cold, or chemicals.

chlamydial conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. In newborns this type of conjunctivitis is encountered more frequently than ophthalmia neonatorum caused by gonococci. Prophylaxis for chlamydial conjunctivitis is 1% topical silver nitrate. If the disease develops, drugs such as azithromycin, quinolones, or sulfa-based antibiotics are used. Synonym: inclusion conjunctivitis; inclusion blennorrhea

follicular conjunctivitis

A type of conjunctivitis characterized by pinkish round bodies in the retrotarsal fold; can be chronic or acute.

giant papillary conjunctivitis

Abbreviation: GPC
An immune/foreign body response of the conjunctiva to contact lenses, esp. if left in place for 4 or more weeks, to nylon, or to prosthetic materials. It causes itching of the eye, redness, photophobia, swelling, and blurry vision. Examination reveals giant papillae on the superior tarsus.

Patient care

Changing or removing disposable contact lenses frequently decreases the likelihood of contracting GPC. All contact lens wearers should be advised to use good hand hygiene esp. before handling lenses, and to replace lenses according to prescribed schedule, using prescribed cleaning and storage guidelines, and a “rub and rinse” cleaning method rather than no rub. If such symptoms occur, the individual should remove the contact lens immediately and seek evaluation and treatment from the primary care provider or ophthalmologist.

gonococcal conjunctivitis

A severe, acute form of purulent conjunctivitis caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. See: ophthalmia neonatorum

gonorrheal conjunctivitis

See: gonococcal conjunctivitis

granular conjunctivitis

Acute contagious inflammatory conjunctivitis with granular elevations on the lids that ulcerate and scar.

inclusion conjunctivitis

Chlamydial conjunctivitis.

ligneous conjunctivitis

A rare eye disease in which fibrin deposits create woody plaques on the conjunctiva. Similar plaques may develop in the airways and genitalia. The disease often is found in patients with a deficiency in plasminogen levels.

membranous conjunctivitis

Acute conjunctivitis marked by a false membrane with or without infiltration.

conjunctivitis of newborn

Ophthalmia neonatorum.

phlyctenular conjunctivitis

An allergenic form of conjunctivitis common in children and marked by small white nodules on the bulbar conjunctiva often near the limbus. Can be seen in tuberculosis and staphylococcal infections.

purulent conjunctivitis

A form of conjunctivitis caused by organisms producing pus, esp. gonococci.

seasonal conjunctivitis

Allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva that occurs because of exposure to pollens, grasses, and other antigens.

vernal conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis associated with a papillary response, itching, thick, ropy discharge; common in young patients, esp. males.illustration




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