Gilbert Warren Nutter
Nutter, Gilbert Warren
Born Mar. 10, 1923, in Topeka, Kan. American economist. Professor at the University of Virginia (from 1958); member of research staff, National Bureau of Economic Research (1955–67).
Nutter’s main works relate to the concentration of production in the United States. Starting in the 1950’s, he devoted considerable attention to problems of Soviet economic development. Nutter disparages the attainments of the Soviet economic system and attempts to prove, relying on his own false computations, that industrial production in the USSR has on the whole grown more slowly than it did in tsarist Russia. Nutter’s statistical manipulations are widely used by ideologists of anticommunism.
The Extent of Enterprise Monopoly in the United States, 1899–1939: A Quantitative Study of Some Aspects of Monopoly. Chicago, 1951.Growth of Industrial Production in the Soviet Union. New York, 1962.