Georgian Bay Islands National Park

Georgian Bay Islands National Park

Parks Directory of the United States / Canadian National ParksAddress:911 Wye Valley Rd
Box 9
Midland, ON L4R4K6

Size: 25.6 sq. km.
Established: 1929.
Location:2 hours north of Toronto. Take Hwy. 400 north from Toronto to Muskoka Road 5 (Exit 156), then turn left on Muskoka Road 5 to Honey Harbour. Access is by boat only. Privately owned water taxis operate out of Honey Harbour.
Facilities:Visitor center and 11 campgrounds (on Beausoleil Island), marina and other visitor services (in nearby town of Honey Harbour), boat dockage, trails, sand beaches, picnic areas.
Activities:Boating, sailing, fishing, swimming, snorkeling, canoeing/kayaking, hiking, camping, bicycling, wildlife viewing, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Located in the transition zone between the northern Canadian Shield and the hardwood forests of the southern Great Lakes, the park's islands are home to both northern and southern species of plants and animals, and include the greatest diversity of reptiles and amphibians found in any Canadian national park.

See other parks in Ontario.