Acronym | Definition |
GDA➣Guideline Daily Amount |
GDA➣Grupo de Diarios de América (Spanish) |
GDA➣Global Development Alliance (USAID) |
GDA➣Green Day Authority (band fan site) |
GDA➣Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie (German: General Association of Aluminium Industry) |
GDA➣Global Document Annotation |
GDA➣Groupement de Développement Agricole (French: Agricultural Development Group) |
GDA➣Green Deal Advisor |
GDA➣Greenwich Dance Agency (England) |
GDA➣Guide Dogs Association (various locations) |
GDA➣Georgia Dental Association |
GDA➣Ghaziabad Development Authority (UP, Noida, Delhi) |
GDA➣Group Destination Address |
GDA➣Generic Design Assessment (UK) |
GDA➣Global Directory Agent |
GDA➣Gastroduodenal Artery |
GDA➣Global Distribution Alliance (logistics service) |
GDA➣Gray Design Associates (games) |
GDA➣Global Data Area |
GDA➣Geodetic Datum of Australia |
GDA➣Gimbal Drive Actuator/Assembly |
GDA➣Georgia Dietetic Association |
GDA➣Genesys Deployment Agent |
GDA➣Groupe Départemental Ambulances (French: Departmental Ambulances Group) |
GDA➣Generic Data Access |
GDA➣Good Deal Alert |
GDA➣Gimballed Dish Antenna |
GDA➣Grand Democratic Alliance (Pakistan) |
GDA➣Glucose Disposal Agent (nutrition) |
GDA➣Government Designated Authority |
GDA➣German Draughts Association |
GDA➣Gonzaga Dramatic Association (Washington, DC) |
GDA➣Guaranteed Deposit Account |
GDA➣Government Design Activity |
GDA➣Graphic Display Adapter |
GDA➣Goal Directed Activity |
GDA➣Ground Defence Area (various nations) |
GDA➣Groepering van de Autodealers en Agenten |
GDA➣Gun Damage Assessment |
GDA➣Gosh Darn Acronyms |
GDA➣Gabor Difference Analysis |
GDA➣Ground Disturbance Area |
GDA➣Global Destination Address |
GDA➣Geographically Discriminatory Arrangement (trade policy) |