Acronym | Definition |
GDC➣Game Developers Conference |
GDC➣General Dental Council |
GDC➣Government Degree College (India) |
GDC➣Game Developers Choice (awards) |
GDC➣Gisborne District Council (New Zealand) |
GDC➣General Department of Customs (Vietnam) |
GDC➣Gravity Discovery Centre (Australia) |
GDC➣General Defense Committee (Industrial Workers of the World) |
GDC➣Groupement de Droit Comparé (French: Group of Comparative Law) |
GDC➣Google Data Center |
GDC➣Global Data Collector |
GDC➣Game Design Challenge |
GDC➣Georgia Department of Corrections |
GDC➣Global Digital Creations (China) |
GDC➣Gouvernement du Canada |
GDC➣Guglielmi Detachable Coil |
GDC➣German Development Cooperation |
GDC➣Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher (law firm; various locations) |
GDC➣General Directory for Catechesis |
GDC➣Ginsburg Development Companies (Valhalla, NY) |
GDC➣Global Development Center |
GDC➣Gas Distribution Company (various locations) |
GDC➣Institute for Genetic Disease Control in Animals |
GDC➣Gotham Dream Cars (various locations) |
GDC➣Global Data Center |
GDC➣General Duty Clause (OSHA) |
GDC➣Gewerkschaft Der Chemiearbeiter |
GDC➣Green Data Center (New York) |
GDC➣Global Deaf Connection (Minneapolis, MN) |
GDC➣Gross Dealer Concession (finance, investments) |
GDC➣Global Drifter Center |
GDC➣Glow Discharge Cleaning |
GDC➣General Development Corp |
GDC➣Group Decision Center (various organizations) |
GDC➣Green Design Center, Inc. (Wisconsin) |
GDC➣Global Diversity Council (various organizations) |
GDC➣General Dynamics Convair |
GDC➣Groupement pour le Développement de la Coiffure (French: Group for the Development of Hair) |
GDC➣Global Distribution Center |
GDC➣Graphic Display Calculator |
GDC➣Gyro Display Coupler |
GDC➣General Design Criterion (nuclear power) |
GDC➣Guilloteau Déconstruction Contrôlée (French materials firm) |
GDC➣Grand Director of Ceremonies (Masonry) |
GDC➣Global Defense Council |
GDC➣Grout Dye Company |
GDC➣General Digital Corporation (LCD monitor manufacturer) |
GDC➣Generic Data Clustering |
GDC➣General Department of Vietnam Customs |
GDC➣Gyro Data Converter |
GDC➣Geodetic Coordinate System |
GDC➣Global Dimensional Complexity |
GDC➣Gixxer Dot Com (motorbike forum) |
GDC➣Goodalls Charter Bus Service, Inc. (Grayline of San Diego) |
GDC➣Graphic Display Console |
GDC➣Group Duty Clerk |
GDC➣Green Density Council |
GDC➣General Diversity Combining |
GDC➣Generic Digital Card (digital hardware engineering) |
GDC➣Grown Defect Count |
GDC➣Get Down Crew (band) |
GDC➣Group Death Claim (insurance) |
GDC➣Government Directed Change |
GDC➣Glass-Dielectric Capacitor |
GDC➣General Datacom, Incorporated |
GDC➣Govinda Dasa College (Surathkal, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India) |
GDC➣Gentlemen's Dining Club |
GDC➣Green Draft Copy |
GDC➣Grandes Distillerie de Charleroi (Belgian distillery) |
GDC➣Greater DC Cares, Inc (District of Columbia) |
GDC➣Glendowie College (New Zealand) |
GDC➣Grant Development Center |
GDC➣Gregorie Douglas Group (Charleston, SC) |
GDC➣Gore Design Completions, Ltd. (San Antonio, Texas) |
GDC➣Global Direct Components, LLC (Riverside, CA) |