GDFGobierno del Distrito Federal (Spanish: Federal Government District; Mexico)
GDFGaz De France
GDFGovernment(-wide) Data Files
GDFGuardia di Finanza (Italian Revenue Guard Corps)
GDFGoverno do Distrito Federal (Federal District Government; Brazil)
GDFGnutella Developer Forum
GDFGraphics Data Format
GDFGraphic Design File
GDFGlossary Definition File
GDFGeological Disposal Facility (UK)
GDFGrowth/Differentiation Factor
GDFGlobal Development Finance (World Bank)
GDFGlobal Defence Force (Godzilla)
GDFGasoline Dispensing Facility
GDFGlobal Drug Facility (tuberculosis treatment; est. 2001)
GDFGlobal Dressage Forum (competition; Netherlands)
GDFGeographic Data File
GDFGraphic Design Forum
GDFGlasnost Defense Foundation (est. 1991)
GDFGeneric Data Fix (Oracle software)
GDFGuide Dog Foundation
GDFGridded Data Field (US DoD)
GDFGroup Distribution Frame
GDFGuidance for Development of the Force
GDFGrateful Dead Family
GDFGábor Dénes Fõiskola (Gabor Denes Technical College, Budapest, Hungary)
GDFGaddafi Development Foundation (EU)
GDFGuyanese Defense Force
GDFGrateful Dead Forum
GDFGlobal Development Forum
GDFGlobal Delivery Framework
GDFGoodfellow AFB (San Angelo, TX)
GDFGreenwich and Docklands Festivals
GDFGroup Decision-Feedback
GDFGovernment Designated Facility
GDFGuinea Development Foundation (New York, NY)
GDFGlobal Development Framework (EU)