Freud, Sigmund

Freud, Sigmund

(froyd) An Austrian neurologist and psychoanalyst (1856–1939) whose teachings involved analysis of resistance and transference, and a procedure for investigating mental function by use of free association and dream interpretation. Freud did not consider psychoanalysis to be scientific. He believed that its purpose was to elucidate the darkest recesses of the mind and to enable individuals to integrate the emotional and intellectual sides of their nature (i.e., the forces of love and death) and to develop better knowledge of self and a level of maturity and peace of mind that would help the individual and others have better lives.


Pert. to Sigmund Freud's theories of unconscious or repressed libido, or past sex experiences or desires, as the cause of various neuroses, the cure for which he believed to be the restoration of such conditions to consciousness through psychoanalysis.

Freudian slip

A mistake in speaking or writing that is thought to provide insight into the individual's unconscious thoughts, motives, or wishes.


Sigmund, Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, 1856-1939, founder of psychoanalysis. Freud theory - a comprehensive theory of how personality is formed and develops in normal and emotionally disturbed individuals.freudian - relating to or described by Freud.freudian fixationfreudian psychoanalysis - the theory and practice of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy as developed by Freud.freudian slip - a mistake in speech or deed which presumably suggests some underlying motive, often sexual or aggressive in nature.