(religion, spiritualism, and occult)Goddess worshiped by Saxon Witches (the Seax-Wica). Embleton and Banting suggest that while the Saxon deities of England were common to Scandinavia and continental Europe, there were subtle differences. The English Woden, for example, was not the same as Odin.
In England the principal goddess was Frig, but Freya was taken as the name used by the Seax-Wica. Freya was born of Nerthus (Mother Earth) and adopted many of her mother's attributes. Freya means "Lady." She is the equivalent of the Greek Aphrodite (Roman Venus): a goddess of love, a mother, a protectress of children and of women in childbirth. In Norse mythology, she is referred to as "most lovely of the goddesses." She is also equated with the British goddess Branwen.
Branston says that the Old Norse sagas and eddas point to the fact that there is an ancient goddess who is the earth and who is consort to the chief god, who is the sky. That goddess is known variously as Nerthus, Saga, Fulla, Freya, Gna, and many other names.