[glanz] (pl. glan´des) (L.)glan·des
(glan'dēz)Patient discussion about glandes
Q. Anyone know if there is a connection between Fibromyalgia and your Thyroid gland? I have Fibromyalgia and I read that if your diagnosed with this you can have Thyroid problems also. If anyone knows out there please inform me. Many thanks.
Q. my friend ate a bar of chocolate and now her left neck gland is swollen any ideas why? no other symptoms
if it is an infection, you can usually find such other infection symptoms like : fever, pain in that swollen area, increased white blood cells (in blood work test), etc.
if it is an allergy, usually it will fade away itself in couple of days, or you can just try to consume anti-allergic drugs, such as : loratadine and maybe combined with dexamethasone.
Good luck, and stay healthy always..