Gomori aldehyde fuchsin stain

Go·mo·ri al·de·hyde fuch·sin stain

(gō-mō'rē), a stain used to demonstrate beta cells of the pancreas, storage form of thyrotropic hormone in beta cells of the anterior pituitary, hypophyseal neurosecretory substance, mast cells, granules, elastic fibers, sulfated mucins, and gastric chief cells.

Go·mo·ri al·de·hyde fuch·sin stain

(gō-mōr'ē al'dĕ-hīd fūk'sin stān) A stain used to demonstrate beta cells of the pancreas, storage form of thyrotrophic hormone in beta cells of the anterior pituitary, hypophysial neurosecretory substance, mast cells, granules, elastic fibers, sulfated mucins, and gastric chief cells.