Gomori nonspecific acid phosphatase stain

Go·mo·ri non·spe·cif·ic ac·id phos·pha·tase stain

(gō-mō'rē), a method in which formalin-fixed frozen sections are incubated in a substrate containing sodium β-glycerophosphate and lead nitrate at pH 5; the insoluble lead phosphate produced is treated with ammonium sulfide to give a black lead sulfide.

Go·mo·ri non·spe·cif·ic ac·id phos·pha·tase stain

(gō-mōr'ē non'spĕ-sif'ik as'id fos'fă-tās stān) A method in which formalin-fixed frozen sections are incubated in a substrate containing sodium beta-glycerophosphate and lead nitrate at pH 5.0; the insoluble lead phosphate produced is treated with ammonium sulfide to give a black lead sulfide.