

F0364900 (fŭng′gō)n. pl. fun·goes Baseball A fly ball hit for fielding practice by a player who tosses the ball up and hits it on its way down with a long, thin, light bat.
[Origin unknown.]


(ˈfʌŋɡəʊ) n, pl -does or -dos1. (Baseball) the act of tossing the ball upwards and hitting it as it descends2. (Baseball) a ball hit in this manner3. (Baseball) a light bat designed to be used to hit fungoesvb4. (Baseball) to hit (a ball) high into the air5. (Baseball) to toss (a ball) upwards and hit it as it descends


(ˈfʌŋ goʊ)

n., pl. -goes. 1. (in practice sessions) a baseball tossed by the batter into the air and struck as it comes down. 2. a batted ball, esp. a fly ball, hit in this manner. 3. Also called fun′go bat`. a long, narrow bat used for fungoes. [1865–70]


- A baseball drill in which a batter tosses a ball in the air and hits it as it descends, probably from Scottish fung, "to pitch, toss, fling."See also related terms for toss.