Georgii Kim
Kim, Georgii Fedorovich
Born Nov. 3, 1924, in the village of Sinel’nikovo, Far East Krai, now the village of Pokrovka, Primor’e Krai. Soviet historian. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1976). Member of the CPSU since 1946.
Kim graduated from the Omsk Pedagogical Institute in 1947. In 1955 he became a senior research worker at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; he was head of the department for Korea, Mongolia, and Vietnam from 1961 to 1971 and became head of the department of general problems in 1971. Kim was made deputy director of the institute in 1978. He has been a professor at Moscow State University since 1965.
Kim was named editor in chief of the journal Aziia i Afrika segodnia in 1974. His principal works deal with the history of Korea, general problems of the national liberation movement, and the developing countries.
Kim has been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
Bor’ba koreiskogo naroda za mir, natsional noe edinstvo i demokratiiu. Moscow, 1957.Rabochii klass novoi Korei. Moscow, 1960.
Raspad kolonial’noi sistemy imperializma. Moscow, 1962. (With E. A. Berkov.)
Proletarskü internatsionalizm i revoliutsii v stranakh Vostoka. Moscow, 1967. (With F. I. Shabshina.)
Leninizm i natsional’no-osvoboditel’noe dvizhenie. Moscow, 1969. (With A. S.Kaufman.)
Soiuz rabochego klassa s krest’ianstvom i opyt sotsialisticheskikh stran Azii. Moscow, 1977. (With F. I. Shabshina.)