Georgii Lomidze

Lomidze, Georgii Iosifovich


Born July 28 (Aug. 10), 1914, in Tbilisi. Soviet literary scholar; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1972). Member of the CPSU from 1942.

Lomidze graduated from the M. Gorky Institute of Literature in 1947. Since 1955 he has been chairman of the division of the history of Soviet literature of the M. Gorky Institute of World Literature. He began to publish in 1935. He is a doctor of philological sciences (1960) and a professor at the Academy of Social Sciences of the CPSU Central Committee (1965). Lomidze is the author of Toward Socialist Realism in Literature (1952), Unity and Diversity (1957, 2nd ed., 1960), In Search of the New (1963), and Theoretical Problems of the Development of Soviet Literature(1964). Lomidze’s book The Lofty International Character of Soviet Literature: Reflections, Evaluations, Controversy (2nd rev. ed., 1970) is devoted to problems of the literary development of the peoples of the USSR.