Acronym | Definition |
GOI➣Government Of India |
GOI➣Get Over It (chat) |
GOI➣Government of Iraq |
GOI➣Global Object Identification |
GOI➣Government Of Indonesia |
GOI➣Government of Israel |
GOI➣Government of Ireland |
GOI➣Gulf Oil International |
GOI➣Gene of Interest |
GOI➣Gross Operating Income |
GOI➣Gate Oxide Integrity |
GOI➣Gain on Ignition |
GOI➣Germanium-On-Insulator |
GOI➣German Overseas Institute (est. 1964) |
GOI➣Gynecol Obstet Invest |
GOI➣Goa, India - Dabolim (Airport Code) |
GOI➣Guardians of Islam (gaming clan) |
GOI➣General Operating Instruction |
GOI➣Global Outreach Foundation Rwanda Programme |