Glanvill, Ranulf de
Glanvill, Ranulf de
(rā`nəlf glăn`vĭl), d. 1190, English jurist. He served Henry II in many offices, finally as chief justiciar after 1180. He commissioned one of the great works of English law, the Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus regni Angliae [treatise on the laws and customs of the realm of England], a compilation that bears his name. It is based on the common lawcommon law,system of law that prevails in England and in countries colonized by England. The name is derived from the medieval theory that the law administered by the king's courts represented the common custom of the realm, as opposed to the custom of local jurisdiction that
..... Click the link for more information. then evolving in the royal courts.
See T. F. Plucknett, Early English Legal Literature (1958).