glaserian fissure

pet·ro·tym·pan·ic fis·sure

[TA] a fissure between the tympanic and petrous portions of the temporal bone; it transmits the chorda tympani nerve through a small patent portion, the anterior canaliculus of the chorda tympani. Synonym(s): fissura petrotympanica [TA], glaserian fissure

pet·ro·tym·pan·ic fis·sure

(pet'rō-tim-pan'ik fish'ŭr) [TA] A fissure between the tympanic and petrous portions of the temporal bone; it transmits the chorda tympani nerve through a small patent portion, the anterior canaliculus of the chorda tympani.
Synonym(s): glaserian fissure.

glaserian fissure

A narrow slit posterior to the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone. The chorda tympani nerve passes through it. See also: fissure


Johann H., Swiss anatomist, 1629-1675. glaserian artery - Synonym(s): anterior tympanic arteryglaserian fissure - Synonym(s): petrotympanic fissure