

passed back and forth; circulated freely: News of her shocking behavior was bandied about all over the little town.
Not to be confused with:banded – secured with a band: He banded the newspapers for recycling.


B0056400 (băn′dē) tr.v. ban·died, ban·dy·ing, ban·dies 1. a. To toss or throw back and forth. b. To hit (a ball, for example) back and forth. 2. a. To give and receive (words, for example); exchange: The old friends bandied compliments when they met. b. To discuss in a casual or frivolous manner: bandy an idea about. adj. Bowed or bent in an outward curve: bandy legs. n. pl. ban·dies Sports 1. A game resembling field hockey but played on ice by skaters. 2. A stick, bent at one end, used in playing this game.
[Early Modern English, perhaps from Middle French se bander, to form a coalition or alliance (against something), from bande, band, troop; see band2. Adjective, from the resemblance of bandy legs to the stick used in bandy.]