释义 |
gelatinase[′jel·ə·tə‚nās] (biochemistry) An enzyme, found in some yeasts and molds, that liquefies gelatin. gelatinase
gel·a·tin·ase (jĕ-lat'i-nās), Pepsin B; a metalloproteinase that hydrolyzes gelatin and a number of types of collagen. See: pepsin. gelatinase (jĕl′ă-tĭn-ās), MMP-2; MMP-9Metalloproteinases that cleave gelatin, or nondenatured collagen. Two forms of gelatinase, A and B, have been identified. Gelatinase A (MMP-2) has a molecular weight of about 72,000, and gelatinase B (MMP-9) has a molecular weight of about 92,000. Both are involved in cancer angiogenesis and metastasis and are blocked by a variety of naturally occurring and synthetic inhibitors. |