Acronym | Definition |
FRL➣Fixed Rate Loan |
FRL➣Friesland |
FRL➣Filter, Regulator, Lubricator (pneumatics technology) |
FRL➣Field Research Laboratory (India) |
FRL➣Full Reservoir Level (hydroelectricity) |
FRL➣Family Research Laboratory (University of New Hampshire) |
FRL➣Fire Resistance Level (grading for building products) |
FRL➣Forest Reference Level (climate change) |
FRL➣Fraeulein (German: Miss) |
FRL➣Fiber Reinforced Laminate (paneling) |
FRL➣Fractional Reserve Lending (finance) |
FRL➣Fire Research Laboratory (US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) |
FRL➣Frame Relay Link |
FRL➣Foundation for Rural Living (Canada) |
FRL➣Finished Road Level (civil engineering) |
FRL➣French Radio London (radio station; UK) |
FRL➣Fantasy Racing League |
FRL➣Former Regime Loyalists (Iraq) |
FRL➣Free Range Librarian (personal blog) |
FRL➣Flight Refueling Limited (now Cobham PLC; UK) |
FRL➣Free & Reduced Lunch |
FRL➣Frequently Requested Listings (Automated Directory Assistance & Speech-enabled Applications) |
FRL➣Feyenoord Rotterdam Lyrics |
FRL➣Franchise Recruiters, Ltd. |
FRL➣Frame Representation Language (MIT) |
FRL➣Facility Restriction Level |
FRL➣Future Remnant Liver (hepatectomy) |
FRL➣Fuselage Reference Line |
FRL➣Failure Rate Level (standard for electronic components) |
FRL➣Fusion Rocket Launcher |
FRL➣Finland-Russia Line (fiber optic) |
FRL➣Finished Roof Level |
FRL➣Feltman Research Labs. |
FRL➣Functional Requirements Letter |
FRL➣Florida Right to Life Committee, Inc. |
FRL➣Filter, Air Roll |
FRL➣Fiberglass Reinforced Lining (peramenent spa and hot tub refinishing) |