(Germsir, Germezir, Deshtestan), a strip of coastal desert approximately 80 km wide, along the shores of the Gulf of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz in Iran and Pakistan.
Garmsir is an inclined, proluvial plain, which turns into a seaside lowland that in places is marshy. The coastal strip is formed by several rows of sandy hills, which divide the strip into narrow valleys. The climate is tropical. The average temperature in January in the city of Jask is 19.4° C; in July it is 32.5° C. Precipitation is approximately 120 mm a year, with most of it occurring in the winter. The soil is primitive desert and, in places, solonchak. The vegetation (acacia, Prosopis, etc.) is mainly of a desert type and is more luxuriant along the river valleys. An abundant ephemeral grass cover develops in winter. Groves of date palm grow near settlements, and there are mangrove thickets in places along the coast. Cattle are pastured in the area.