Garner State Park
Garner State Park
Location:31 miles north of Uvalde and 7 miles north of Concan on US 83.
Facilities:Campsites with water and electricity hookups, tent camping, showers, restrooms, group camp, cabins, day-use group facility, picnic areas, screened shelters, hiking trails, bike path, boat rentals, food concession, miniature golf course, park store, playground, game courts, laundry, grocery.
Activities:Camping, fishing, canoeing, swimming, tubing, hiking, bicycling, interpretive and entertainment programs.
Special Features:Deep canyons, crystal-clear streams, high mesas and carved limestone cliffs are some of the geologic features of this park. The rock formations are early Cretaceous in age, deposited over millions of years in warm, shallow seas that once covered Texas. The Glen Rose Formation, a collection of limestone, shale, marl and siltstone beds was deposited along the shifting margins of the sea where dinosaurs roamed in great numbers, leaving their footprints in the sands.
Address:HCR 70, Box 599
Concan, TX 78838
Size: 1,420 acres.
See other parks in Texas.