gingival trough

gin·gi·val trough

the formation of a crater as a result of destruction of interdental tissues so that, in effect, there exists a labial and lingual curtain of gingiva with no interproximal connection at all.


(trof) A groove or channel.

arm trough

A concave positioning device attached to a wheelchair armrest that positions the arm and prevents lateral leaning, thus encouraging postural alignment.

focal trough

A three-dimensional area within which structures are accurately reproduced on a panoramic radiograph. Positioning the patient within the focal trough is critical to producing a panoramic radiograph that clearly reproduces oral structures.

gingival trough

Gingival sulcus.

synaptic trough

The depression in a muscle fiber adjacent to the axon terminal of a motor neuron in a myoneural junction.

gin·gi·val trough

(jinji-văl trawf) Formation of a crater due to destruction of interdental tissues so that, in effect, there exists a labial and lingual curtain of gingiva with no interproximal connection at all.