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gingivostomatitis[¦jin·jə·vō‚stō·mə′tīd·əs] (medicine) An inflammation of the gingiva and oral mucosa. gingivostomatitis
gingivostomatitis [jin″jĭ-vo-sto″mah-ti´tis] inflammation of the gingiva and oral mucosa.herpetic gingivostomatitis that due to infection with virus" >herpes simplex virus, with redness of the oral tissues, formation of multiple vesicles and painful ulcers, and fever.necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis that due to extension to the oral mucosa of gingivitis" >necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis; see also vincent's angina. Called also Plaut's or pseudomembranous angina.gin·gi·vo·sto·ma·ti·tis (jin'ji-vō-stō'mă-tī'tis), Inflammation of the gingiva and other oral mucous membranes. [gingivo- + G. stoma, mouth, + -itis, inflammation] gingivostomatitis Inflammation of the gums & oral cavitygin·gi·vo·sto·ma·ti·tis (jin'ji-vō-stō'mă-tī'tis) Inflammation of the gingiva and other oral mucous membranes. [gingivo- + G. stoma, mouth, + -itis, inflammation]gingivostomatitis Inflammation of the gums and the mucous membrane lining of the mouth.gin·gi·vo·sto·ma·ti·tis (jin'ji-vō-stō'mă-tī'tis) Inflammation of gingiva and other oral mucous membranes. |