Glassbrenner, Adolf

Glassbrenner, Adolf


Born Mar. 27, 1810, in Berlin; died there Sept. 25, 1876. German satirist.

In the early 1830’s Glassbrenner edited and published humorous and satirical works. He was often subjected to repressive measures. He wrote essays and witty sketches about German philistines. In the anthology Forbidden Poems of a Certain German Poet (published anonymously in Switzerland in 1844) and in the long satirical poem The New Reynard the Fox (1846), he exposed the nobility, feudal-religious reactionaries, and police procedure. During the Revolution of 1848, Glassbrenner defended republican ideas. He was exiled from Prussia in 1850 but returned to Berlin in 1858 and continued his journalistic activity.


Unsterblicher Volkwitz, vols. 1-2. Edited by K. Gysi and K. Böttcher. Berlin [1954].
Neuer Reineke Fuchs. [Berlin] 1957.