Frontenac State Park

Frontenac State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Minnesota
Location:10 miles southeast of Red Wing on Highway 61.
Facilities:58 drive-in campsites (19 with electrical hookups), showers, flushtoilets (é), 6 cart-in campsites, group camp, picnic area (é),picnic shelters (é), hiking trails (13 miles), self-guided trail (2.5miles), paved bike trail (1 mile), ski trails (5 miles), snowmobiletrail (5 miles), winter sliding hill, warming house, historic site,gift shop.
Activities:Camping, lake and river fishing, hiking, cross-country skiing,snowmobiling, snow sledding, bird watching. Swimming and boating nearby.
Special Features:Lake Pepin's diverse habitats—bluff land, prairie, floodplain forest,and upland hardwood forest—attract numerous warblers, hawks, waterfowl,and shorebirds, making this one of the best bird watching places in theUS. Of the 260 different species of birds that have been counted here,some make the park their home, while others just stop by on their wayup or down the Mississippi River flyway.
Address:29223 County 28 Blvd
Frontenac, MN 55026

Size: 2,237 acres.

See other parks in Minnesota.