Gendemian Peace Treaty of 1873

Gendemian Peace Treaty of 1873


concluded after the occupation of Khiva by Russian troops in June 1873 and signed on Aug. 12 (24), 1873, by the governor-general of Turkestan, K. P. Kaufman, and the Khan of Khiva, Sayyid Muhammad-Rahim II, in the khan’s garden Gendemian. Under the Gendemian Peace Treaty the khan acknowledged himself “an obedient servant of the emperor of all Russia,” gave up independent foreign relations with other states, and promised not to engage in any military action without the knowledge and permission of the Russian authorities. All the territory on the right bank of the Amu Darya River was given to Russia in accordance with the treaty, and Russian merchants received the right of duty-free transportation and trade within the Khiva Khanate. The khan promised “to abolish forever slavery and the trade in human beings” in the khanate and to pay an indemnity of 2.2 million rubles in installments over a period of 20 years (through 1893).


Istoriia diplomatii, vol. 2. Moscow, 1963. Pages 63-67.