Gerardus Bolland

Bolland, Gerardus


Born June 9, 1854, in Groningen; died Feb. 11, 1922, in Leiden. Dutch Hegelian philosopher. Professor at Leiden University (1896).

Bolland endeavored to reconcile Kant’s critique of reason with Hegelian logic and represent Hegelianism as a historically and logically necessary completion of Kantianism. In his religious interpretation of Hegel’s philosophy, Bolland comes close to the “rightist” Hegelianism of the 1830’sand 1840’sin Germany. After his death, his disciples Huizinga, Vas Nunes, and others organized the Bolland society, a philosophical community which endeavored to put into practice “the principles of genuine human contact.”


[Preface to] G. A. Gabler’s Kritik des Bewusstseins. Leiden, 1901.
Alte Vernunft and neuer Verstand .... Leiden, 1902.
Zuivere rede en hare Werkelijkheid. Leiden, 1909.
Het Antwoord op de “poging tot voorlichting.” Leiden, 1910.
Bollands Briefwechsel mit E. von Hartmann. The Hague, 1937.