Armanni-Ebstein change

Ar·man·ni-Eb·stein kid·ney

(ahr-mah'nē eb'stīn), glycogen vacuolization of the loops of Henle, seen in diabetics before the introduction of insulin. Synonym(s): Armanni-Ebstein change

Armanni-Ebstein change

A global term for a histopathological finding commonly seen in patients with diabetes mellitus, which was described by L Armanni (1839–1903) and W Ebstein (1836–1912) in the pre-insulin era. It is reversible, less common in the current environment and consists of marked cytoplasmic (glycogen-induced) vacuolisation; it is classically seen in proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney, but also in the beta islet cells and hepatocytes.


Wilhelm, German physician, 1836-1912. Armanni-Ebstein change - see under ArmanniArmanni-Ebstein kidney - Synonym(s): Armanni-Ebstein changeArmanni-Ebstein nephropathy - see under ArmanniEbstein anomaly - congenital downward displacement of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Synonym(s): Ebstein disease; Ebstein malformationEbstein disease - Synonym(s): Ebstein anomalyEbstein malformation - Synonym(s): Ebstein anomalyEbstein sign - in pericardial effusion, obtuseness of the cardiohepatic angle on percussion.Murchison-Pel-Ebstein syndrome - see under MurchisonPel-Ebstein disease - Synonym(s): Pel-Ebstein feverPel-Ebstein fever - see under Pel


Luciano, Italian pathologist, 1839-1903. Armanni-Ebstein change - glycogen vacuolization of the loops of Henle, seen in diabetics before the introduction of insulin. Synonym(s): Armanni-Ebstein kidneyArmanni-Ebstein kidney - Synonym(s): Armanni-Ebstein changeArmanni-Ebstein nephropathy - diabetic glycogen vacuolization of renal convoluted tubules; related to glycosuria.