Acronym | Definition |
FW➣Forward |
FW➣Firmware |
FW➣Faceoffs Won (hockey) |
FW➣Fairway Wood (golf club) |
FW➣Focke-Wulf (German aircraft manufacturer) |
FW➣Fort Worth (Texas) |
FW➣Firewall |
FW➣Fresh Water |
FW➣FireWire (Apple/TI high-speed serial bus; IEEE 1394 standard) |
FW➣Fort Wayne (Indiana) |
FW➣Free Will |
FW➣White cap (or weather) correction factor |
FW➣Flywheel (automotive) |
FW➣Freeware |
FW➣Fifth Wheel |
FW➣Fighter Wing |
FW➣Forge World (UK) |
FW➣Fixed Wing |
FW➣Fisheries and Wildlife (academics) |
FW➣Future Wife |
FW➣Feed Water |
FW➣Forsaken World (gaming) |
FW➣Fates Warning (band) |
FW➣Full Wave |
FW➣Fire Water |
FW➣Feldwebel (German) |
FW➣Forest Whitaker (actor) |
FW➣Federal Way (Washington) |
FW➣Flat Washer |
FW➣Formula Weight |
FW➣Field Wiring |
FW➣Filament Winding |
FW➣Fire Weather |
FW➣Formula Windsurfing |
FW➣Flood Warning (National Weather Service advisory) |
FW➣Fats Waller (pianist/composer) |
FW➣Freelance Whales (band) |
FW➣Foul Water (construction drawings) |
FW➣ (website) |
FW➣Field Weld |
FW➣Floor Waste (environment) |
FW➣Fiscal Week |
FW➣Fusion Workstation |
FW➣Federal Works Agency |
FW➣Fouls Won (soccer) |
FW➣Foster Wheeler Corporation (boiler manufacturer) |
FW➣Fillet Weld (metallurgy) |
FW➣Floquet Wave |
FW➣Florida Waterfowler (online hunting forum) |
FW➣Flash Welding |
FW➣Free Weezy |
FW➣Feable Weiner (band) |
FW➣Far Westerns (United States Swimming meet) |
FW➣Flutewise (UK) |
FW➣FinnWars (Battlefield 1942 game modification) |
FW➣Frostwolf Graveyard (World of Warcraft battleground slang) |
FW➣Fresh Weigh (or whole/wet Weight of plant or animal tissue) |
FW➣Field Work Proposal |
FW➣Furniture West, Inc. |
FW➣Flag Writer |