

cestusAphrodite’s girdle made by Hephaestus; magically induces passion. [Gk. Myth.: Benét, 183]ginsenginduces passion. [Plant Symbolism: EB, IV: 549]lupinleguminous plant; arouses passion. [Plant Folklore: Boland, 9]mandrakea narcotic that arouses passion. [Western Folklore: Boland, 13]marjoramused on bedsheets; Venus used it with Ascanius. [Rom. Myth.: Boland, 11–12]periwinkle, worms, and houseleekcombination induces passion. [Plant Folklore: Boland, 9]raw oystersfood consumed as a love potion. [Popular Folklore: Misc.]Spanish flypreparation made of green blister beetles and used to incite cattle to mate. [Insect Symbolism: EB, IX: 399]willow seedstaken in water, produce only sons. [Western Folklore: Boland, 11]