gene product

gene product

The biochemical material–either RNA or amino acid sequences–polypeptides or proteins expressed by a gene; the amount of GP indicates how active a gene is; abnormal amounts can be correlated with disease-causing alleles. See Gene, Gene expression, Protein, RNA.

gene product

the product resulting from the expression of a gene. This can be a PROTEIN or type of RNA, for example RIBOSOMAL RNA. The amount of product will depend on the activity of that gene.

Patient discussion about gene product

Q. I get about 190 grams of protein a day. Is that too much protein? Have you ever seen a guy living only for food? No? Here I am. I get about 190 grams of protein a day. Is that too much protein? My weight is 183 pounds.A. this is a good amount, just make sure that you get the majority of it from real foods and not from powders and bars.

Q. Does the cooking have a negative effect on the protein content of the food? I have heard that high temperatures cooking breaks the protein, so does the cooking have a negative effect on the protein content of the food?A. Yes. Proteins can be denatured by heat, but only when the protein structure is delicate or is exposed to extremely high temperatures for long time. You must remember that breaking of protein is the physical-chemical process where the physical or chemical structure of a protein is rearranged. So cooking will not reduce on the nutritive value of the food until it’s cooked at cooking temperatures.

Q. Is it true that Casein protein can cause Cancer, or is harmful to the human body? Someone left a comment on my blog about Casein protein being bad for the body and that it could lead to Cancer. Is this true? A. I am not familiar with such information, Casein is a protein that is found in large amounts in breastmilk and milk products replacements for babies and as far as I know it has no such affect.

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