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FY TranslationsFY
FYA common acronym for "fiscal year."FY
FY Abbreviation for: Foundation Year full yearFY Abbreviation for fiscal year. LegalSeefiscal yearFY
Fiscal year (FY)Accounting period covering 12 consecutive months over which a company determines earnings and profits. The fiscal year serves as a period of reference for the company and does not necessarily correspond to the calendar year.Fiscal Year1. A calendar businesses use to calculate revenue and expenses. Most businesses also use their fiscal year as the period their annual budgets operate. Most jurisdictions require businesses to issue financial statements each year but often do not specify when they must do so. Thus, fiscal years vary by business and jurisdiction. They tend to begin in the middle of the calendar year, particularly in retail, as the end of the calendar year is an exceptionally busy time. The U.S. Government's fiscal year starts on October 1. In nomenclature, if a fiscal year covers more than one calendar year it is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, the U.S. government's fiscal year from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009 is called "FY 09."
2. In the United Kingdom, the tax year.FYFiscal year, as in FY07. FY
Acronym | Definition |
FY➣Fiscal Year | FY➣Financial Year | FY➣Full Year | FY➣Blackpool (postcode, United Kingdom) | FY➣Forget You (polite form) | FY➣Force to Yield (engineering) | FY➣Fushigi Yuugi (Anime) | FY➣Fight Yard (gaming, Counter-Strike) | FY➣Fraternally Yours | FY➣Foundation Year | FY➣Feng Yun Satellite |