Antimony, Native
Antimony, Native
a mineral composed of Sb and sometimes having admixtures of As, Bi, and Ag (up to 5 percent). Native antimony crystallizes in the trigonal system and occurs as granular masses, sinters, and rhombohedral lamellar crystals. The mineral is tin white with yellow iridescence and has a metallic luster. Native antimony has a hardness on Mohs’ scale of 3–3.5; it is brittle and has a density of 6,610–6,730 kg/m3.
Antimony is formed from a deficiency of S in low-temperature hydrothermal antimony, antimony-gold-silver, and copper-lead-zinc-antimony-silver-arsenic deposits, as well as in high-temperature pneumatolytic-hydrothermal antimony-silver-tungsten deposits. In the latter case, the content of Sb may be of commercial importance, as in the deposits at Seinäjoki, Finland.
Mineraly: Spravochnik, vol. 1. Moscow, 1960.Pääkkönen, V. On the Geology and Mineralogy of the Occurrence of Native Antimony at Seinäjoki. Helsinki, 1966.