GIRGreens in Regulation
GIRGeographic Information Retrieval
GIRGlobal Info Research (Hong Kong)
GIRGateway International Raceway (Madison, IL)
GIRGlucose Infusion Rate
GIRGet It Right
GIRGross International Reserves (banking)
GIRGroupes d'Intervention Régionaux (French: Regional Intervention Groups)
GIRGlider Infantry Regiment (US military; WWII era)
GIRGet into Reading (UK)
GIRGlobal India Radio
GIRGregorian Instrument Rotator
GIRGeneral Index Register (India income taxex)
GIRGeneral Interpretive Rules (Classifying Goods under the Harmonised System)
GIRGroupe d'Intervention Rapide (French: Rapid Response Unit)
GIRGoods Inspection Report
GIRGeneral Institute Requirements
GIRGouvernement Intérimaire Rwandais (French: Interim Government of Rwanda; Rwanda)
GIRGrowth Incentive Rebate
GIRGuide Interprète Régional (French: Regional Interpreter Guide; tourism)
GIRGuaranteed Insurability Rider (insurance)
GIRGroupe Interdisciplinaire de Réflexion (French: Interdisciplinary Reflection Group)
GIRGlobal Instant Rendezvous
GIRGuided Independent Reading
GIRGrenoble Isère Roumanie (French; Romanian initiative association)
GIRGrupo de Representaciones Internacionales, SA
GIRGiaume Industrie et Recherche (French: Giaume Industry and Research)